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After college,  I reluctantly eased into adult life and during one of my first job interview,  I walked in and vaguely remember seeing this guy who worked there and appeared to be staring at me.  I got the job and met Antowan formally as a coworker. Antowan did show some interest from the very beginning and although he seemed like a nice guy, I didn't take him too seriously. Antowan finally got my attention when I returned from a vacation and learned from my co-workers  that short of calling the FBI (lol) Antowan went into a mini panic attack when he did not see me come to work. He harassed everyone for my whereabouts hoping I did not quit.  As extreme as that sounds, it was touching and amusing. Intrigued, I finally agreed to give him my number, and in hindsight, I never thought we would be on this amazing journey.  However, Antowan and I would spend hours talking on the phone and immediately bonded and developed a strong friendship.  We would talk about everything and anything for hours! While I was not looking to be in a relationship and wanted to simply enjoy life, Antowan soon became a big part of my life. I can't wait to continue making history together. 


Whitnee walked into in my life in a black pant suit. I had no idea if she was a new employee or not, but she looked so innocent, and I said to myself,"I have to get that!" I would see her daily and try to make conversation with her. Every time we spoke, I tried to get her number, but she continuously shut me down until this one day. Once she gave me her number I knew I had her! Although it took months to get the number, once I had it there was no going back. Even though we spoke on the phone every night, Whitnee was still distant and not willing to go out on a date with me. One summer day I invited her to hang out with my friends in Brooklyn.   To my surprise she came by to hang out for a little while. We had a great time together, and didnt want the night to end. When I hugged her goodbye I knew there was something special about her. And the story continues....